our values

Health and Safety Policy

Our company strives to take strict measures to monitor and control Health & Safety as an integral part of running our business operation.

We will, so far as is possible:

Make sure that all working practices and work equipment are safe and that they do not pose a risk or hazard to Safety and Health

Make sure that needed measures are carried out to safely use, store, and transport all substances and materials

Give all needed training, supervision, instruction and information to make sure that all employees have a working environment that does not endanger their Health or Safety.Control all workplaces, equipment and utilized transport in a condition that is safe and free from Health and Safety risks

Make sure that employees have access to adequate facilities to safeguard their welfare

Take measures to protect the Health and Safety of visitors, contractors and any members of the public who could be impacted by our operations

Give employees all needed information concerning procedures to protect their Health and Safety and the Health and Safety of others, and when needed consult with them to improve how our company handles these issues

Make sure that all employees carry out their Health and Safety responsibilities and work with management to carry out this policy

Monitor how this policy is carried out in the workplac

Make Sure sufficient funds are available to implement this statement.

Falcon Security Ltd will also regularly review this policy to see if any changes are needed.

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